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70th anniversary of the start of radio astronomy in Poland

70 years ago, the first radio astronomy measurements were carried out in Kraków.

Yesterday we celebrated exactly the 70th anniversary of the beginning of radio astronomy research in Poland. On June 30, 1954, our then-employees, including Adam Strzałkowski and Oleg Czyżewski, observed the Sun (and phenomena related to its eclipse) at radio wavelengths of roughly a meter, using a 5-meter antenna placed on the site of Fort Skała, the present-day headquarters of Jagiellonian University's Astronomical Observatory in Kraków.
For more information, read the article: Adam Strzałkowski, FOTON 99, Zima 2007.
Photo: A. Strzałkowski, Instytut Fizyki UJ / FOTON 99
The 1954 Cracow Sun Observers and the Polish Film crew - third from right is de Mezer, then Czyżewski and Strzałkowski