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On the sky

Summer sky 2024

Summer sky 2024

Summer is a season of long days and short nights, which are not very favorable for astronomical observations. Nevertheless, we will be able to observe many interesting phenomena in the sky during this summer holiday, of which the famous Perseids in the second decade of August undoubtedly deserve a special mention. Let us make the most of our free time to observe them.
Read More o Summer sky 2024
summer solstice explained (NASA)

Tonight (20.06) marks the start of summer

Summer in the northern hemisphere begins today. It will last until September 22.
Read More o Tonight (20.06) marks the start of summer
June 2024 sky

June 2024 sky

June is the time of the shortest nights and beautiful dawn and dusk, comfortable for sky observation and the last spring walks. So we have short warm nights, which, although not favorable for astronomical observations, are the more precious for sky enthusiasts.
Read More o June 2024 sky
Extremely strong geomagnetic storm over Poland!

Extremely strong geomagnetic storm over Poland!

On Friday and Saturday night, sky watchers from many locations in Poland had the opportunity to admire beautifully, extended, multicoloured auroras. This is a rarity in our latitudes.
Read More o Extremely strong geomagnetic storm over Poland!
Jasna gwiazda Regulus o barwie niebieskiej na zdjęciu nieba.

The sky in May 2024

During the first decade of May, bright and fast meteors from the Aquarides meteor shower will radiate on the sky. They are the remnants of the tail of Halley's comet. The radiant lies on the celestial equator, on the border of the constellations Aquarius, Pisces and Pegasus. The maximum of their activity falls on 5/6 May.
Read More o The sky in May 2024